Private and Public Cloud

Work with our experts to compare and contrast the various cloud service providers.

Which Cloud Solution – Public or Private – is Right for You?

Public Cloud allows a business or organization to purchase services, delivered via the Internet, from a third-party provider. These services use processing power and storage capacity that is not owned by the business itself and are available to others as a shared resource. All management responsibilities fall to the service provider, not the company, which can lower IT and OPEX costs

With a private cloud, services and infrastructure are dedicated to a single organization and resources are not shared. As a result, data storage, hardware and network pools are not accessible by other businesses in the same data center. Organizations use a vendor’s off-site IT infrastructure, with the vendor owning the hardware and the client owning their data.

Talk to an expert

Our expert team is ready to help you navigate the decision between private and public cloud, based on your unique business requirements. Contact us today and let’s start modernizing your business to take advantage of this important technological development.

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